TPB tech® Australia secures exclusive rights for ‘invisible’ induction cooktop

TPB tech® Australia has secured Australia’s exclusive rights to the TPB tech® induction cooktop, the world’s first technology surface with built-in induction that allows users to cook directly on a kitchen benchtop without the use of visible hobs or glass.

The TPB tech® induction cooktop is the world’s only officially recognised invisible induction cooktop. The cooktop was first shown in 2013 at the Living Kitchen International Fair in Germany, and in 2014 it was built and marketed for both household and commercial use.

TPB tech® employs a proprietary multilayer material made up of porcelain ceramic, aluminium, Bakelite, and another layer of aluminium to reduce the thermal shock and impact that porcelain alone would cause. It has a non-porous, antimicrobial, scratch-resistant, easy-to-clean surface that may also be used as a cutting surface.

“With a patented design and innovative technology, the TPB tech® cooktop is a game-changing innovation for the kitchen. Consumers no longer need to compromise on benchtop real estate, unlike other cooktops on the market,” TPB tech® Australia general manager Andre Dowling told Appliance Retailer. “In addition to being more energy-efficient, the cooktop warms up and cools down faster than typical induction cooktops.”

The cooktop comes in basic 900mm and 1200mm width sizes, as well as custom-made choices with a variety of dimensions, configurations, and designs to pick from, including 18 different colours and finishes.

TPB tech® Australia will open an Experience Centre in Sydney’s lower north shore to demonstrate the capabilities and benefits of the TPB tech® cooktop, according to Dowling. The opening date has been set for December 2021. In March and April 2022, the TPB tech® cooktop will be on display at the Sydney and Melbourne Home Shows, respectively.

TPB tech® is a product created and manufactured in Spain by TPB-TOP Porzelanik Barcelona and distributed worldwide. It is incompatible with conventional induction equipment on the market.

Article first published: Appliance Retailer, by Emily Bencic, 21 October 2021
